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Programme exploratoire 
Options et activités éducatives


Choix 1 :  Langue 10 000 euros par mois

Programme de langue espagnole

  • 20 heures de cours d'espagnol en petits groupes, du M au Je après-midi

  • Excursions culturelles du vendredi pour pratiquer votre espagnol avec d'autres camarades de classe

  • Un test de certification est facultatif à la fin de votre séjour en Espagne (SIELE)

  • Certification éventuellement acceptée pour un crédit universitaire dans un collège de 4 ans aux États-Unis

  • Les cours sont dispensés dans un style organique et conversationnel, offrant une compréhension plus pratique de la langue.

  • Les cours ont lieu le soir (5-9) ce qui permet aux étudiants de passer leurs journées à faire d'autres activités.


Bienvenue dans notre académie à Estepona. Situé dans la belle région de la Costa del Sol, dans la pittoresque ville d'Estepona.

Notre méthode innovante est désormais disponible en face à face dans notre académie à Estepona.

Cours intensifs d'espagnol pendant votre séjour dans ce beau coin de la côte andalouse.

nous proposons non seulement des cours d'espagnol, mais également une expérience andalouse intensive.

À propos de l'école de langues Millingues

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*Additional transport cost may occur for more individualized activities

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Yoga on the beach!

We are so excited to work with Adam from Turnilla Yoga.  He provides an amazing experience for our students every Monday evening.   Please visit Adams website for more information.  Turnilla Yoga

Art with Ana Matias!!

Students Meet with Ana every week to learn new techniques and discover new styles of art in the beautiful setting of Hubers art gallery. 

Painter, engraver and draftswoman, she studied and graduated in Fine Arts at the Complutense University of Madrid specializing in portrait through photography, painting and printing. In 1993 he settled in Marbella, from where she coordinates all her work.

Since 2003 she has participated in many group and individual exhibitions, and has been selected for several competitions, including the National Contemporary Spanish Engraving Award, and an award from the Naranjo Council Eduardo Pinto.

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"Im not teaching you to paint, i'm making you an artist” - Ana


She has received different awards in different international competitions, such as the third prize and prize for virtuosity in the International Chamber Music Competition "The World and Music", in Sofia in 2008. Fajer Award of Honor, in Calahorra in 2009, and Fajer Award for the best viola of the CIEC in 2010. Finalist of the "Young Talents" contest of the social work of Ibercaja in 2011, winner of the scholarship to the Arts and Music of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Truism of the Autonomous Community of La Rioja in 2014.

Music with
Irina Yonkova

For those students that have an interest in practicing or learning guitar, piano, violin, or cello, Irina provides private lessons.

Irina  has participated in international festivals, such as the Classical 2015 in La Rioja, the I International Chamber Music Festival in Calahorra (Spain) in 2010, the Berlin International Music Festival in 2010, in the VII International Festival "Hope, Talents, Teachers" in Dobrich / Albena (Bulgaria) in 2006 and 2007 among others.

She has been part of the New Symphony Orchestra (Sofia), the Plovdiv Philharmonic Orchestra (Plovdiv), the Manheim Philharmonic Orchestra, among others. She is currently the first viola of the String Orchestra "Civitas Musicae", of the García Fajer Foundation, conducted by Jesús Echeverría with which she debuted as a soloist in 2011 at the National Palace of Culture in Sofia.


Cooking with Rafa!


Rafa is our local chef that cooks with our students every week.  not only does he teach our students how to make amazing Spanish delicacy’s, but he also supports them in learning new cooking techniques and skills that they can carry with them into independence.


Rafa’’s passion for cooking is inspiring, and his food is delicious! 


Steve works with students to:

  • analyze their income with future bills and expenses

  • introduce financial concepts: renting an apartment, credit cards, insurance, budgeting, opening a bank account, credit score, etc.

  • creating a solid budget for when they leave Spain Abroad

Finances with Steve!

Steve was instrumental in establishing the Champaign office of Hickory Point Bank and assumed the role of Community President when the Bank opened on February 14, 2002.  Prior to that, he served as President of National City Bank’s Champaign Region. Steve has been active in the local financial arena since 1977 when he joined First National Bank in Champaign as a commercial lender.

Since that time, he has held various senior management positions and was a founding partner in a local financial consulting business. In giving back to the community, Steve has been an officer or director of the following organizations: American Cancer Society, Kiwanis, Club, Chamber of Commerce, Economic Development Corporation, United Way, and is the current President of the YMCA Foundation.

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et bien plus

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